Портал славістики


News from Slavistik-Portal. (as rssRSS-Feed subscription)

pfeil8 January 2025The database UDB-EDU (‘Universal Database Education’) with over 80 Eastern European scientific and cultural history journals has been updated with articles from the last three years. All articles (now approx. 309,000) can thus be searched and found via the portal's parallel search.
pfeilOctober, 14th, 2024The historical Bulgarian-German dictionary [Bulgarian-German dictionary] by Ivan Miladinov, printed in 1927 in Sofia, has been converted into text form, structured and integrated into the MultiSlavDict. As a result, 230,000 lemma entries and 560,000 tokens are searchable.
pfeilOctober, 12th, 202452nd ABDOS Conference 2025, Berlin, Germany: From 26 to 28 May 2025, the 52nd International Working and Training Conference of ABDOS will take place under the motto "Globaler Zugang - lokale Expertise: Bibliotheken verbinden Ost und West" / "Global Access, Local Expertise: Libraries Connecting East and West" at the State Library Berlin – Prussian Cultural Heritage as a joint event with the Eastern Europe Department of the State Library, which will celebrate its 75th anniversary in 2025.
pfeilSeptember, 18th, 2024Comprehensive upgrade of the operating system and server infrastructure of the Portal carried out.
pfeilMay, 22nd, 2024The historical Ukrainian-German dictionary [Ruthenian-German dictionary] by Eugen Żelechowski (Євген Желехівський), printed in 1884/86 in Lemberg (Львів), has been converted into text form, structured and integrated into the MultiSlavDict. As a result, 65454 lemma entries and 715,000 tokens are searchable.
pfeilMarch, 11th, 2024The "Srpski rječnik istumačen njemačkijem i latinskijem riječima" [Lexicon serbico-germanico-latinum] by Vuk Stefanović Karadžić, printed in 1898 in the 3rd edition in Beograd, has been converted into text form, structured and integrated into the MultiSlavDict. As a result, 48440 lemma entries and 700,000 tokens are searchable.
pfeilDezember, 13th, 2023An overview of the text corpus of Church Slavonic prints at the SBB-PK has been released: (Slav)CorpHub. This provides access to full-text searches in the Church Slavonic text corpus data of 90,000 raw pages and 1000 ground-truth pages. The text data has been generated over the last three years using the Transkribus programme from the digitised collection "Kirchenslavica digital".
pfeilDezember, 11th, 2023The beta version of the translation database (SLAW-DE) with bibliographical references to over 21,000 translations from Slavic languages into German has been released. An overview of the list of translators is included in the database.
pfeilOktober, 12th, 2023The Bibliography of International Congresses of Slavists (BibSlavKon) was updated with the data from the XVI International Congress of Slavists, Beograd 2018. The bibliographic data, collected in collaboration with Slovanská knihovna in Prague, are searchable along with other volumes and can be viewed in browsing mode here.
pfeilSeptember 28th, 2023The Russian-German dictionary by Ivan Pavlovsky, Riga 1911, was converted into text form, structured and integrated into MultiSlavDict. Thus, 63701 lemma entries and 1.2 million tokens are searchable.
pfeilSeptember 19th, 2023The data of the SlaVaComp metaglossary (Church Slavonic - Medieval Greek) with 23825 lemma entries was brought into a user-friendly search structure by XML conversion, indexed and provided with a search interface. The conversion scripts are available on SBB's Github.
pfeilMarch 21st, 2023The overview of the converted bibliographies of the portal (also known as "Datenpool der deutschsprachigen Slavistik") has been improved.
pfeilJanuary 4th, 2023The module (Slav)DictHub with the dictionaries LexiconPGL (as part of MultiSlavDict) and DictSlavColl (link collection of Slavic dictionaries) is released. The Miklosichs LexiconPGL is furthermore searchable via a separate search interface.
pfeilNovember 11th, 2022Launch of the SlavDok subject repository, which is planned as a central repository for Open Access publications in Slavic research and offers free access to first and second publications. All publications can be searched directly via the repository's search interface or via the parallel search of the Slavic Studies Portal (also in full text). The document server is DINI-ready and OpenAIRE-compliant, allows DOIs and URNs to be registered, has various interfaces (OAI-PMH-2.0, REST, SOLR-API, unAPI, SWORD, Shibboleth and LDAP) and guarantees the long-term availability of all documents.
pfeilAugust 4th, 2022The 26,281 full texts from 77 journals for the years 2020-21 from the UDB-EDU database have been added to the parallel search. The database OLC Slawistik has also already been enriched by 16,000 records (partly from retroconversions for the years 1998-2000) in 2022.
pfeilApril 29th, 2022The digital archive of the journal "Sovetskaia Kul'tura" is available as a trail access (until 26.05.22) via the Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin.
pfeilMarch 24th, 2022The Prussian Cultural Heritage Foundation is expanding its program for refugee Ukrainian scientists and librarians.
pfeilFebruary 2, 2022Annual updates for OAI sources added (Cyberleninka +17000, AMUR +10000 etc.). The list of the Compendia belonging to the Miklosich dictionary with many additional references to the digital sources (see "Add. Inf.") has been released.
pfeilDecember 21, 2021The complete conversion files (data mining) for the three dictionaries in MultiSlavDict have been made available on Github of the Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin for downloading and reprogramming. For searching in MultiSlavDict, the browser history for going back and saving has been implemented.
pfeilOctober 19, 2021The journal "Slavia Orientalis" (2011-2021) of the Polish Academy of Sciences with 630 articles and over 7300 pages has been indexed in full text for the portal. Also numerous other full texts such as TODRL (Труды отдела древнерусской литературы) 1950-1980 and "Международный съезд славистов. Сборники докладов" (1959-1978) were made searchable pagewise.
pfeilJune 8, 2021The beta version of MultiSlavDict - the multilingual dictionary of Slavic languages with over 90,000 entries and 2.8 million words - has been released. See also the SBB press release.
pfeilApril 27, 2021The collections of digital Slavic manuscripts from the Russian National Library in St. Petersburg (over 1200 objects) and of manuscripts and old prints from the State Historical Museum (GIM) in Moscow (approx. 8000 catalogue entries) were integrated into the Portal search.
pfeilMarch 30, 2021Annual updates were carried out for a number of databases: Cyberleninka (+25,000), ImWerden (+2,000), OstDok (+2,200) and many more. The database of German-language Mediathek contributions (MediView-OEU) on the culture, language and history of Eastern Europe now contains 11,600 entries and can be searched via the parallel search of the Portal.
pfeilFebruary 22, 2021The metadata of 591 eBooks (category "Slavistics") from the provider Exlibrus.net integrated into the Portal search. Access in test mode runs first via the Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin - PK. The metadata can also be searched via a widget.
pfeilFebruary 17, 2021The metadata of the "Bibliografie zur Geschichte und Kultur Ostmitteleuropas" (formerly "LitDok") - set up and maintained at the Herder Institute in Marburg - was updated (+100,000) and integrated into the Slavistik-Portal's parallel search.
pfeilJanuary 11, 2021The first volumes of the journal "Slavia. Časopis pro slovanskou filologii" (1923-1925) as well as the first Russian collected vollumes of the International Slavist Congresses "Славянское языкознание" (1959-1973) are indexed and searchable in full text. In addition, the metadata of the "Wiener Slavistisches Jahrbuch" (2004-2011) and the "Zeitschrift für Balkanologie" (2002-2020) are integrated for searching in the Portal.
pfeilDecember 9, 2020For a number of the databases (BibCzechLing, OLC Slavistics, KempgenDB) of the Slavistics Portal the availability search (via the now updated JOP-EZB XML interface as well as KVK interface) was implemented. Thus, for monographs the locations of the holdings and for articles - the available electronic versions can be queried.
pfeilNovember 5, 2020The database UDB-EDU is full-text indexed and searchable with 100 journals and about 250.000 articles under the license FID Slavic Studies.
pfeilNovember 4, 2020The SlavLab "Parallel Corpus of Biblical Books" (PL-RU-KSL-DE, 15 books, about 15000 verses) has been provided with a Solr index and can now be searched via a web interface (widget).
pfeilOctober 10, 2020The full texts of the scientific journal "Древняя Русь. Вопросы медиевистики" with about 11.000 pages from the years 2000-2020 have been integrated into the search of the Portal.
pfeilSeptember 10, 2020Revision of the extended list of all evaluated data sources for the Slavistics Portal with additional information about scope and date of the last update. The number of entries in the index is 5,683,711 records.
pfeilAugust 10, 2020The 6370 eBooks from the collection "Essential Russian Classics (EB-ERC)" of the East View company are freely available and searchable via the Slavistik-Portal until 30 September 2020. Also about 2600 freely available websites (eBooks) from the "Библиотека Максима Мошкова" are searchable.
pfeilJune 10, 2020The printed "Bibliografia słowianoznawstwa polskiego" by Edmund Kołodziejczyk (Cracow 1911) was converted into an electronic database with 8334 records and enriched with 5390 electronic full text references.
pfeilMay 20, 2020More than 1000 selected electronic books in free access with the topic "Russian literature" (including the collection "Поэты войны") from the "Национальная Электронная Библиотека" (НЭБ, Россия) were integrated into the metasearch of the Portal.
pfeilApril 29, 2020The Eastern European part of the International Folklore Bibliography (IVB) online (1985-1998, approx. 20,000 items) was integrated into the meta search of the Portal.
pfeilApril 24, 2020The metadata of the "Bibliografia Bara" from the Instytut Badań Literackich in Warsaw with over 406,000 records (taken from Polish literary journals from the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th century) was integrated into the parallel search of the Portal and is enriched with over 216,000 full text references.
pfeilApril 22, 2020 Additional offers during the COVID-19 crisis. As a result of the COVID 19 crisis, a number of database providers in Western and Eastern Europe have temporarily activated additional electronic offers...
pfeilApril 9, 2020A current collection of metadata (with approx. 230,000 items) of Ukrainian humanities journals with full text access (NBUV-IRBIS) has been added to the parallel search of the Portal. The number of records in the database "Bibliographic Materials on Slavic Studies" (BibMatSlaw) is now 11,500 (+1000) items.
pfeilMarch, 20th, 2020Periodic metadata updates performed: Cyberleninka (+24,000), Hrčak (+9.060), AMUR (+1.200), iReteslaw (+330), BSU (26.500) and many more.
pfeilJanuary, 24th, 2020The freely available volumes of the journal "Die Welt der Slaven" from 1977 to 1985 have been full-text indexed (approx. 3990 pages) and can be searched via the parallel search of the Portal or via the widget "Slavic Fulltext Sources" (source "WdSl"). The server, database and application infrastructure of the Portal has been updated (on Debian 10, Pazpar2 - 1.14.0, YAZ - 5.27.1 and many more)
pfeilNovember, 30th, 2019The following bibliographic sources were processed as full texts and added to the portal search: "Bibliografia ludoznawstwa polskiego" Kraków 1914, "Русский архив 1863-1908. Предметная роспись" Москва 1908, Библиотека "Annales.info", "Православная Энциклопедия 1998-2014" (selected websites), "Словарь русских писателей XVIII века" (pushkinskijdom.ru), "Гоголь, Н.В. Полное собрание сочинений и писем", Moskva 2003f. (Bibliography and comments from vol. 1, 7.2) and many more.
pfeilOctober, 30th, 2019The database "Universitetskaja biblioteka online" is now available as National License thanks to the support of the German Research Foundation (DFG) within the framework of the Subject Information Service (FID) Slavistics. The metadata can also be searched via the parallel search in the Slavistics Portal.
pfeilSeptember, 11th, 2019The New acquisitions service (NED) Slavistik has been provided with a permanent URL for the selection of new acquisitions. The URL can be called as a web page or sent by e-mail. The pagination has also been adapted to mobile design.
pfeilJune, 14th, 2019The database "Bibliographische Materialien zur Slawistik" (BibMatSlaw) has been expanded by conversion of printed bibliographies to more than 10,000 bibliographical units.
pfeilMay, 5th, 2019The annual metadata update performed: Cyberleninka (+97.000), Библиотека Фронтистеса (500), Электронная библиотека ГПИБ (14.500), Hrčak (+5.000), AMUR (+1.400), CEEOL (+50.600), Chtyvo (+8.800), MediathekView-SL (8.960), iReteslaw (1.032), WorldCat-SL (+20.370), doiSerbia (+900) et al.
pfeilApril, 24th, 2019The national license collection "Soviet Cinema Online. Archival Documents from RGALI, 1923-1935" with 64 electronic documents is now searchable via the Portal.
pfeilMarch, 15th, 2019The new index for searching in Slavic full texts has been released. The index is based on the corrected websites of Slavic Wikisource projects and a thousand other websites from the Russian Internet. The results are displayed in the form of snippets. The search is possible via the parallel search or widget "Slavic Fulltext Sources".
pfeilFebruary, 4th, 2019The parallel search of the Portal was enriched with functions "Did you mean?" and "Open record in new tab". The number of converted records in the database "Bibliographic Materials on Slavic Studies" (BibMatSlaw) is now about 8500 items.
pfeilJanuary, 11th, 2019The Bibliography of the Czech Linguistics (BibCzechLing) was updated for the last 10 years and contains now 73280 records (+20000).
pfeilDecember, 6th, 2018The Bibliography of International Congresses of Slavists (BibSlavKon) has been enriched with 3250 OCLC numbers for finding the location of the publication via WorldCat.
pfeilOctober, 5th, 2018The first volume of the bibliography "Славяноведение в повременных изданиях" from 1901 has been converted into the database form and enriched with about 500 references to the online editions.
pfeilSeptember, 14th, 2018The metadata from the Online Library "ImWerden" (6.828 items) is attached to the parallel search of the Portal.
pfeilJune, 27th, 2018The website SP Lab with the tools for Widgets, Translit, Language Detection und SlavCorp is now available.
pfeilMay, 22nd, 2018The Slavic Bibliographies from the Slavistics Portal with browsing view are completed with a new Citation function ("Citation link") and additional search possibility.
pfeilMarch, 21st, 2018The Bibliography of International Congresses of Slavists (BibSlavKon) was updated with the data from the XV International Congress of Slavists, Minsk 2013. The bibliography records are now searchable and available here.
pfeilMarch, 9th, 2018Meta data update: RSL digital: +41.000, RSL autoref: +5.200, Archive.org: +10.000 (incl. deduplication), BSU-OAI: +29.700, AMUR-OAI: +300, Kamunikat.org: +24.000, CEEOL: +56.440, Hrčak-OAI: 10.200 a.m.m.
pfeilFebruary, 18th, 2018The complete renewal of the technical Infrastructure of the Portal. The web application, database and indexing servers are migrated to new Debean platform. The following updates and upgrades are done: SOLR > 6.5.1, Pazpar2 > 1.12.6, YAZ > 5.16 a.m.m.
pfeilDecember, 18th, 2017The Sorbian Bibliography was enriched with records from the time period 1945-2016. The Bibliography was created at the Sorbian Institute in Bautzen and contains now 74.400 items.
pfeilDecember, 5th, 2017The Slavistics Portal moved to secure protocol HTTPS with the encrypted connection (SSL). The certificate was received by the Portal from the German National Research and Education Network.
pfeilSeptember, 28th, 2017The FID service Digitisation on Demand (DoD) Slawistik was integrated in the Portal.
pfeilSeptember, 7th, 2017The request form for publications in Slavistics (as a part of FID service) is now available via the Portal.
pfeilJuly, 19th, 2017The "Bibliography of Slavic Publications from German Journals 1876-1983" (BidSlavArb) was enriched with 1343 fulltext urls for the journal "Archiv für slavische Philologie".
pfeilJuly, 14th, 2017New metadata: The collection "Czasopisma humanistyczne" of the BazHum database (bazhum.muzhp.pl) was itegrated in the Portal Search ( +110.000 items).
pfeilJune, 1st, 2017New metadata: Runivers ToCs: Киевская старина (106 vol., publ. time 1882-1907, 13.570 items), Исторический вестник. Историко-литературный журнал (149 vol., publ. time 1880-1917, 31.112 items).
pfeilMay, 17th, 2017The metadata of the journal "Soviet Slavistics" (1970-1980) is integrated in the Portal search (about 1.330 items).
pfeilApril, 3rd, 2017The collection of 1046 digital documents from NALIS Repository (Bulgaria) was integrated in the Portal search.
pfeilMarch, 9th, 2017The 203 rare Church slavonic Old prints from the Digital collection of the National Library of Belarus are searchable via Portal.
pfeilFebruary, 6th, 2017Metadata update: Cyberleninka.ru (+67.420), OLC Slawistik (+6.135), CEEOL (+20.700); new metadata: Runivers.ru (ToCs): Акты Виленской археографической комиссии (7.454), Архив Юго-Западной России (3.192), Русская историческая библиотека (3.836), Журнал Министерства народного просвещения (34.680), Русский архив. Историко-литературный сборник (7.813), Русская старина (7.020), uknol.info (53.652), chtyvo.org.ua (32.780), ihtik.lib.ru (141.000).
pfeilJanuary, 9th, 2017The new mobile friendly version of the Portal is online.
pfeilNovember, 3rd, 2016The bibliography ("Библиографический указатель литературы") from the Linguistic Institute RAN is integrated in the Portal search. (for 1918-1957: 1.670 bibl. items; for 1825-1880: 18.556 bibl. items).
pfeilOctober, 19th, 2016The bibliographical data from the catalogue of the Institute of Scientific Information on Social Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences (INION) with topic in slavic languages and literatures are integrated in the Portal search. (1991-2003: about 132.280 bibl. items).
pfeilSeptember, 12th, 2016The metadata of the journal "Soviet Slavistics" (1965-1969) is integrated in the Portal search (about 850 items).
pfeilJune, 23rd, 2016About 2000 metadata with subject "Russian Language and Literature" from the "President Library" (Sankt Petersburg) are integrated in the Portal search.
pfeilApril, 25th, 2016The metadata of the database Hathitrust with the digital books (in free access only for the US Web) are integrated in the portal (about 40.000 items).
pfeilMarch, 4th, 2016New bibliographic data: Труды Отдела древнерусской литературы - TODRL (Vol. 1-57, 1934-2006, 2.819 items), Известия Отделения русского языка и словесности Российской Академии Наук - IORJaS (about 100 vol., 1852-1998, 4.971 items), Киевская старина (20 vol., 1882-1901, 3.262 items)
pfeilFebruary, 19th, 2016Database update: CyberLeninka (3460 > 48850 items), doiSerbia (640 > 1800 items), BazHum (61800 > 197300 items), Hrčak (11600 > 39400), Warsaw University Digital Library (> 2514), Polona.pl (>24842), Digital Repository of Scientific Institutes RCIN (>3479), electronic library BSU (210 >8880); new databases Prlib.ru (Yeltsin Presidential Library, 32 ebooks), AMUR (Repozytorium Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza, 1700 items), BRDRL (Bibliography for works in Old Russian Literature, Vol. 1-7, 1917-2002, 24925 items), starieknigi.info (15.000 ebooks)
pfeilNovember, 20th, 2015New metadata is applied to the Portal: a) Tables of Contents from 218 volumes of the "Чтения в Императорском Обществе Истории и Древностей Российских" (1846-1908, ca. 3550 bibl. items). b) Collection of electronic books from "Інститут історії України Національної академії наук України" (3800 items).
pfeilOctober, 9th, 2015The metadata of the electronic archive "Zeitschrift für Slawistik" (1956-2000, 5000 bibl. items) are now available online.
pfeilJanuary, 15th, 2015The metadata of the University Library ONLINE is from 42000 to 46000 updated.
pfeilApril, 10th, 2014The University Library ONLINE is applied to the Search engine of Portal. The database contans 42000 digital items. Access via Institutions with Licence.
pfeilApril, 5th, 2014The harvester databases are updated: archive.org (33000->45000), OAI (+4500), VOS Digital (+120), Hrčak (+1000)
pfeil24th - 25th October 2013The Berlin State Library and the "Vereins Deutscher Bibliothekare" (VDB) organize the workshop "Aktuelle Informationsangebote für die Slawistik - 15 Jahre SSG Slawistik an der Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin". The papers and presentations are available online: Workshop Slawistik 2013
pfeilAugust, 9th, 2013The New acquisitions Slavistics is complete rebuild and moved to Ajax and RSS technology
pfeilJuly, 10th, 2013The first three widgets are available.
pfeilJuly, 8th, 2013The database "Russische Kultur und Gender Studies" (RuKult) was integrated in the parallel search.
pfeilApril, 10th, 2013The Bibliography of International Congresses of Slavists (BibSlavKon) is updated with the data from the XIV. Congress (Ohrid, Macedonia, 2008)
pfeilJan., 25th 2013New Portal search is implemented (Pazpar2 & Solr)
pfeilJune, 14th, 2012Three DFG-National licences are integrated in the fulltext database search
pfeilApril, 16th, 2012The Bibliography of Slavic Publications from the GDR (BibSlawPub) is integrated in the datapool
pfeilFeb., 29th, 2012Create your own link list with our Link List Service
pfeilDec., 15th, 2011The database "Online Library of German Slavistics (OlBiSlav) is available in browsing view
pfeilNov., 15th, 2011The Bielefeld Academic Search Engine (BASE) is integrated in fulltext database search
pfeilSept., 14th, 2011The database "Bibliography of the Czech Linguistics" (BibCzechLing) is integrated in the metasearch engine
pfeilMay, 2nd, 2011The Papers to the Slavic Bibliography (MatSlavBib) is integrated in the metasearch engine
pfeilMarch, 24th, 2011The Bibliography of the International Congresses of Slavists (BibSlavKon) is integrated in the metasearch engine
pfeilNov., 22nd, 2010The bibliographic database "LitDok" is integrated in the metasearch
pfeilOct., 14th, 2010The "Bibliographie der slavistischen Arbeiten aus den deutschsprachigen Fachzeitschriften 1876-1983" (BibSlavArb) is now available via the Datapool
pfeilFeb., 12th, 2010The Sorbian Bibliography (SorBib) is integrated in the metasearch
pfeilJuly, 1st, 2009The bibliographic database of German publication on Russia, the Soviet Union and its successor states (RussGus) is integrated in the metasearch
pfeilApril, 1st, 2009The "Kempgen's linguistic bibliography" (KempgenDB) is integrated in the Portal
pfeilJuly, 18th, 2008New Modul for an overview of databases in Slavistics (via DBIS) is online
pfeilMarch, 19th, 2008The relaunch of European Bibliography of Slavic and East European Studies (EBSEES) is now online
pfeilMay, 10th, 2007Slavistics Portal is now online