Портал славістики
The "Slavistik-Portal" is based on the project "Virtuelle Fachbibliothek Slavistik", which was funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) for five years starting in 2005. The goal of the "Virtuelle Fachbibliothek Slavistik" (ViFa) was the creation of a central contact point for specialized information on Slavic studies on the Internet. "ViFa" Slavistik was primarily aimed at scientists and students, but also at teachers, translators, journalists, cultural managers and all those interested in Slavic studies, Slavic languages and literature as well as Slavic folklore.
The "ViFa" Slavistik was part of the "Sondersammelgebiet" (SSG) for Slavic Languages and Literatures, which was maintained at the Berlin State Library from 1998 to 2015 and successfully supplied the German Slavists with Slavic specialized literature during this period. Since 2016, the Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin has been in charge of the "Fachinformationsdienst" (FID) Slavistik, which takes service to researchers on another level. The "Slavistik-Portal" continues to function as the central point of contact for specialized research and counts more than 5.000 visitors per month. It continues to offer its services in the coming years and within the framework of the FID, expand the services and continue to supply the German and international specialized user community with relevant scientific specialized information.
In the following text, the main modules of the portal (including their technical basis) are briefly outlined in order to make it clear that behind the visible web presentation, which follows the principles of clarity, transparency, good design and performance, there are twelve years of intensive work on the content, technical infrastructure and professional know-how.
Intensive work is still being done on the "Slavistik-Portal". Above all, the acquisition of new, high-quality metadata is a main focus. Additionally, more printed bibliographies will be made accessible by data mining; furthermore, electronic subject-related OAI servers will be harvested worldwide. Access to free and licensed full-text sources/databases is also playing an increasingly important role. E.g., since autumn 2016, a Germany-wide FID license for the full-text database "Universitetskaja biblioteka online" is accessible via the "Slavistik-Portal".
We will continue to focus on the principles of transparency and performance and will design our portal accordingly. The most recent development concerns the new responsive design of the portal, which has been online since January 2017. This means that we have also optimized our websites for those users who access our services via mobile devices and browsers of all kinds. Welcome to our website To the search.