Портал славістики
The "Bibliography of the Czech Linguistics (BibCzechLing)" is provided by the Institute of the Czech Language of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic (Ústav pro jazyk český AV). The database contains about 73.280 records and covers the period from 1992 till 2018. The list of subjects is located here.
ID | 1998CZ012696 |
Author(s) | Parolková, Olga; Nováková, Jaroslava |
Title | Češskij jazyk dlja russkich. Moj lučšij češskij drug |
Place/Publ. | Praha: Bohemika |
Year | 1998 |
Pages | 74 s. |
Language | cze; rus |
ISBN | 80-901739-3-4 |
Classification (CZ) | Mluvnice, učebnice, praktické příručky apod. |
Classification (EN) | Grammars, textbooks, and manuals of Czech |
Subjects | čeština jako jazyk cizí; ruština; učebnice |
Subjects (DE) | Tschechisch als Fremdsprache; Russisch; Lehrbuch |
Note | S česko-ruským slovníčkem. - Podle ČNB-K 1998, 7279 |
Medium | book |
Holdings (in Germany) | in KVK prüfen [isbn] |
Source | |
PURL | Citation link |
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