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Bibliography of the Czech Linguistics (BibCzechLing)

The "Bibliography of the Czech Linguistics (BibCzechLing)" is provided by the Institute of the Czech Language of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic (Ústav pro jazyk český AV). The database contains about 73.280 records and covers the period from 1992 till 2018. The list of subjects is located here.

Author(s)Peregrin, Jaroslav

Linguistics and philosophy

PublishedTheoretical Linguistics, 24, č. 2-3, 1998, s. 245-264
Classification (CZ)Filozofie jazyka. Logika a jazyk
Sémiotika. Obecná sémantika
Classification (EN)Philosophy of language. Logic and language
Semiotics. General semantics
Subjectsfilozofie; lingvistika; filozofie jazyka; sémantika
Subjects (DE)Sprachwissenschaft (Linguistik); Sprachphilosophie; Semantik
NoteVztah lingvistiky, filozofie, sémantiky
PURLCitation link

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