Портал славістики
The Bibliography of International Congresses of Slavists (1929-2018) was converted from thirteen printed volumes into a database in cooperation with the Slavonic Library in Prague (Slovanská knihovna Praha) and contains 8550 records. Since 2008 the Bibliography appear only in electronic form and will be updated in five-year interval according to the next Congresses of Slavists. The further information can be found here. The overview of the classification can be found: here.
Your search for Significance of Slavic Linguistics for Language Theory provides 38 hits | |
21 | Mjastoto na leksikata v gramatikata na roljata i referentnosttaNicolova, Ruselina - Slavjanska filologija (1998), 7-24 |
22 | Quelques remarques sur la nature du sujet de ľénonciation dans deux poèmes de W. Szymborska et de Z. HerbertNowotna, Magdalena - Revue des études slaves 70 (1998) 1, 215-227 |
23 | Funkční styly a automatické zpracování jazykaPanevová, Jarmila - Česká slavistika 1998 : české přednášky pro XII. mezinárodní sjezd slavistů Krakov 27.8.-2.9.1998 (1998), 161-167 |
24 | Special Cases of Non-Projective Constructions in the Syntax of Czech SentencePetkevič, Vladimír - Česká slavistika 1998 : české přednášky pro XII. mezinárodní sjezd slavistů Krakov 27.8.-2.9.1998 (1998), 61-66 |
25 | Teorija rečevych aktov i problema modelej predloženijaPisarek, Larysa - Z badań nad współczesnymi językami wschodnioslowiańskimi i polskim (2001), 29-32 |
26 | Kăm văprosa za integracijata na internacionalnite termini v slavjanskite eziciPopova, Marija - Bălgarski ezik : organ na Instituta za bălgarski ezik při Bălgarskata akademija na naukite 47 (1997/1998) 1, 66-73 |
27 | Adaptation and Integration of International Terms in Modern BulgarianPopova, Marija - Neoterm (1995) 27/28, 78-83 |
28 | Janis Endzelin skvoz’ prizmu vremeniRozenbergs, Jānis - Latvijas delegācijas referāti XII starptautiskajam slāvistu kongresam : (Krakova, 27.08.1998.-2.09.1998.) (1998), 46-51 |
29 | Nacyjanaľnaje i ahuľnamoŭnaje ŭ pabudove linhvistyčnych baz dadzenych slavjanskich moŭRyčkova, Ljudmila - 1998, 26 s. |
30 | Metodologičeskije problemy valentnosti russkogo glagola i pronominaľnyj podchodSoldatjenkova, Taťjana - Slavica gandensia (1998), 111-134 |