Портал славістики
Die "Slavistische Arbeitsbibliographie von Prof. S. Kempgen" enthält ca. 17.000 Titel zur slavischen Sprach- und Kulturwissenschaft mit besonderen Schwerpunkten in der Ost- und Südslawistik (Russland und Balkanraum). Die Schlagwortliste befindet sich hier.
Ihre Suche nach C4640 lieferte 25 Treffer | |
1 | Functional Load and Sound ChangeKing, R.D. - in: Language (1967) 831-52 |
2 | The Social Setting of Linguistic ChangeLabov, W. - in: T.A. Sebeok, Current Trends in Linguistics, vol. 11 (diachronic, areal, and typological linguistics), Paris (1973) 195-252 |
3 | Are there universals of linguistics change?Hoenigswald, H.M. - in: Universals of Language, Cambridge (1966) ?_? |
4 | Morphological change: towards a typologyAndersen, H. - in: Historical morphology, The Hague (1980) 1-50 |
5 | The Sense of Change. Language as HistoryShapiro, M. - Indianopolis, Bloomington, 1991 |
6 | Language Change and Functional ExplanationsGvozdanović, J. (ed.) - Berlin, New York, Mouton de Gruyter, 1997 |
7 | Relative Frequency as a Determinant of Phonetic ChangeZipf, G.K. - in: Harvard Studies in Classical Philology (1929) ?_? |
8 | Orthographie Evidence for Types of Phonemic ChangePenzl, H. - in: Proceedings of the Eight International Congress of Linguists, Oslo (1958) ?_? |
9 | Language System and Its Change. On Theory and TestabilityGvozdanović, J. - Berlin, New York, Amsterdam, 1985 |
10 | Language System and its Change (on Theory and Testability)Gvozdanović, J. - Berlin, New York, Amsterdam, Mouton de Gruyter, 1985 |