Портал славістики


Bibliographie der internationalen Slavistenkongresse (BibSlavKon)

Die "Bibliographie der internationalen Slavistenkongresse (BibSlavKon)" (1929-2018) wurde aus der mehrbändigen gedruckten Reihe in Zusammenarbeit mit der Slovanská knihovna (Prag) konvertiert. Die Datenbank enthält ca. 8550 Datensätze und wird ca. alle fünf Jahre mit Einträgen der elektronischen Ausgabe aktualisiert. Weitere Informationen befinden sich hier. Die Liste mit der Klassifikationsübersicht: hier.

Ihre Suche nach American contributions to the 16th international congress of slavists: Belgrade, 2018 / edited by Judith Deutsch Kornblatt lieferte 14 Treffer

Sud’ba kirillo-mefodijevskoj tradicii v Slavia Orthodoxa XV veka: O značenii „Skazanija iz javlennogo o pis’menach“ Konstantina Filosofa Kosteneckogo

GOL’DBLATT, Charvi - American contributions to the 16th international congress of slavists: Belgrade, 2018 / edited by Judith Deutsch Kornblatt (2018), 81-101

Leo Tolstoy as a Mirror of the Culture Wars: Anna Karenina and the Humanities in the 21st Century

MCREYNOLDS, Susan - American contributions to the 16th international congress of slavists: Belgrade, 2018 / edited by Judith Deutsch Kornblatt (2018), 171-186

Identity Narratives Unraveled: The Bulgarian Film Mission London

ILIEVA, Angelina - American contributions to the 16th international congress of slavists: Belgrade, 2018 / edited by Judith Deutsch Kornblatt (2018), 103-119

Metamentality in Prestuplenije i nakazanije

COOKE, Brett - American contributions to the 16th international congress of slavists: Belgrade, 2018 / edited by Judith Deutsch Kornblatt (2018), 19-35

On Romantic Lateness: Viktor Tepliakov’s Thracian Journey with Byron to Schelling

GOLBURT, Luba - American contributions to the 16th international congress of slavists: Belgrade, 2018 / edited by Judith Deutsch Kornblatt (2018), 65-80

Madonna on the Field of Battle: Searchingfor Mary in Isaac Babel’s Red Cavalry

KAMINER, Jenny - American contributions to the 16th international congress of slavists: Belgrade, 2018 / edited by Judith Deutsch Kornblatt (2018), 121-129

The Slavic Digenis Akritis: Its Oral-Formulaic (Re-)Composition and Problems of Its Edition

ROMANCHUK, Robert - American contributions to the 16th international congress of slavists: Belgrade, 2018 / edited by Judith Deutsch Kornblatt (2018), 187-211

Inscribing the Nation: Vuk Stefanović Karadžić and the Emergence of Serbia

LONGINOVIĆ, Tomislav - American contributions to the 16th international congress of slavists: Belgrade, 2018 / edited by Judith Deutsch Kornblatt (2018), 157-169

Writer-Collectors: Mimesis and Transmissibility in Nabokov and Benjamin

WAKAMIYA, Lisa Ryoko - American contributions to the 16th international congress of slavists: Belgrade, 2018 / edited by Judith Deutsch Kornblatt (2018), 213-224

Traumatic Repetition in Vasilii Grossman’s „The Hell of Treblinka“ and Everything Flows

KOKOBOBO, Ani - American contributions to the 16th international congress of slavists: Belgrade, 2018 / edited by Judith Deutsch Kornblatt (2018), 131-145