Портал славістики
Die "Bibliographie slavistischer Arbeiten aus deutschsprachigen Fachzeitschriften 1876-1983 (BibSlavArb)" ist aus der dreiteiligen gedruckten Ausgabe der Bibliographie konvertiert und enthält ca. 17.000 Datensätze. Der Inahltsverzeichnis wurde zur Schlagwortliste verarbeitet.
Ihre Suche nach Donum Balticum. To Professor Christian S. Stang on the occasion of his seventieth birthday 15 March 1970. Edited by Velta Ruke-Dravina lieferte 12 Treffer | |
1 | Zur primären -u-Ableitung in einigen baltischen GewässernamenSchmid, W. P. - Donum Balticum. To Professor Christian S. Stang on the occasion of his seventieth birthday 15 March 1970. Edited by Velta Ruke-Dravina (Stockholm, 1970). (1970) 469-479 |
2 | Zur Isoglosse z/ž in Namen des baltischen SubstratsPrinz, J. - Donum Balticum. To Professor Christian S. Stang on the occasion of his seventieth birthday 15 March 1970. Edited by Velta Ruke-Dravina (Stockholm, 1970). (1970) 372-397 |
3 | Baltisch und Slavisch. Zur Chronologie und Bedeutung der Kürzung langer DiphthongeMathiassen, T. - Donum Balticum. To Professor Christian S. Stang on the occasion of his seventieth birthday 15 March 1970. Edited by Velta Ruke-Dravina (Stockholm, 1970). (1970) 322-333 |
4 | Zur Geschichte der baltischen GeneraArumaa, P. - Donum Balticum. To Professor Christian S. Stang on the occasion of his seventieth birthday 15 March 1970. Edited by Velta Ruke-Dravina (Stockholm, 1970). (1970) 22-29 |
5 | Lexikalische Neuerungen im Baltisch-SlavischenSławski, F. - Donum Balticum. To Professor Christian S. Stang on the occasion of his seventieth birthday 15 March 1970. Edited by Velta Ruke-Dravina (Stockholm, 1970). (1970) 501-506 |
6 | Zu apr. Wissaseydis 'Dienstag'Knobloch, J. - Donum Balticum. To Professor Christian S. Stang on the occasion of his seventieth birthday 15 March 1970. Edited by Velta Ruke-Dravina (Stockholm, 1970). (1970) 270-272 |
7 | Baltico-BulgaricaDuridanov, I. - Donum Balticum. To Professor Christian S. Stang on the occasion of his seventieth birthday 15 March 1970. Edited by Velta Ruke-Dravina (Stockholm, 1970). (1970) 107-109 |
8 | Eine lettische Wortfamilie in historisch-semasiolo-gischer Sicht. (Das Wort gars, seine Herkunft und Ableitungen)Karulis, K. - Donum Balticum. To Professor Christian S. Stang on the occasion of his seventieth birthday 15 March 1970. Edited by Velta Ruke-Dravina (Stockholm, 1970). (1970) 248-253 |
9 | Altpreußische MiszellenKiparsky, V. - Donum Balticum. To Professor Christian S. Stang on the occasion of his seventieth birthday 15 March 1970. Edited by Velta Ruke-Dravina (Stockholm, 1970). (1970) 258-262 |
10 | Lit. šakà und VerwandtesOtrębski, J. - Donum Balticum. To Professor Christian S. Stang on the occasion of his seventieth birthday 15 March 1970. Edited by Velta Ruke-Dravina (Stockholm, 1970). (1970) 361-364 |