Портал славістики


"Russisch-deutsches Wörterbuch" by Iwan Pawlowsky, 1911 (Pawlowsky)

Russisch-deutsches Wörterbuch" by Iwan Pawlowsky (printed in Riga by N. Kymmel) 1911 was transcribed (via multi-stage proofreading process) and converted into the database within the project MultiSlavDict.


Эпа́кта ‹s. f.› [rus]

Entrydie Epakte (der Unterschied von ca. 11 Tagen zwischen dem Sonnen- u. Mondjahr).
PositionPawlowsky (Russisch-deutsches Wörterbuch / Iwan Pawlowsky. Riga, 1911), p. 1763, cf. Bild

More like this:

Епа́кта ‹s. f.›, Pawlowsky, p. 353
Епа́рхъ ‹s. m.›, Pawlowsky, p. 353
Епане́чка ‹s. f.›, Pawlowsky, p. 353
Епамино́ндъ ‹n. pr. m.›, Pawlowsky, p. 353
Оттрёпъ ‹s. m.›, -(е)па́ніе ‹s. n.›, Pawlowsky, p. 966
Эпопе́я ‹s. f.›, э́посъ ‹s. m.›, Pawlowsky, p. 1763
Эполе́тный ‹adj.›, Pawlowsky, p. 1763