Портал славістики


"Russisch-deutsches Wörterbuch" by Iwan Pawlowsky, 1911 (Pawlowsky)

Russisch-deutsches Wörterbuch" by Iwan Pawlowsky (printed in Riga by N. Kymmel) 1911 was transcribed (via multi-stage proofreading process) and converted into the database within the project MultiSlavDict.


Алебас|три́тъ ‹s. m.› [rus]

Entryder Alabasterstein; -тровый ‹adj.› alabastern, Alabaster-; a. бюстъ eine Büste von Alabaster; а—ая ло́мка der Alabasterbruch. [Compositio: Алебастровый]
PositionPawlowsky (Russisch-deutsches Wörterbuch / Iwan Pawlowsky. Riga, 1911), p. 8, cf. Bild

More like this:

Алава́стръ ‹s. m.›, Pawlowsky, p. 8
Отмола́живаніе ‹s. n.›, Pawlowsky, p. 949
Алеба́стръ ‹s. m.›, Pawlowsky, p. 8
Излистова́ть (fut. -сту́ю) ‹v. a.›, Pawlowsky, p. 486
Примора́живаніе ‹s. n.›, Pawlowsky, p. 1260
Гипсъ ‹s. m.›, Pawlowsky, p. 240
Алаб(м)анди́змъ ‹s. m.›, Pawlowsky, p. 8