Портал славістики


"Russisch-deutsches Wörterbuch" by Iwan Pawlowsky, 1911 (Pawlowsky)

Russisch-deutsches Wörterbuch" by Iwan Pawlowsky (printed in Riga by N. Kymmel) 1911 was transcribed (via multi-stage proofreading process) and converted into the database within the project MultiSlavDict.


Аквафо́р|та ‹s. f.› [rus]

Entrydie Kupferstecherkunst mit Scheidewasser; -ти́стъ ‹s. m.› der Kupferstecher (mit Scheidewasser). [Compositio: Аквафо́рти́стъ]
PositionPawlowsky (Russisch-deutsches Wörterbuch / Iwan Pawlowsky. Riga, 1911), p. 6, cf. Bild

More like this:

Гравёръ ‹s. m.›, Pawlowsky, p. 267
Гравирова́льный ‹adj.›, Pawlowsky, p. 267
Дразне́ніе ‹s. n.›, Pawlowsky, p. 334
Раство́ръ ‹s. m.›, Pawlowsky, p. 1399
Води́ца ‹s. f.› dem., Pawlowsky, p. 137
О́стрый ‹adj.›, Pawlowsky, p. 925
Лёхъ ‹s. m.›, Pawlowsky, p. 624