Портал славістики
This Linguistic Bibliography contains about 17.000 records relating to Slavic Linguistics and Slavic Culture with focus on East- and South Slavic Regions. The list of subjects is located here.
Your search for Flexion provides 275 hits | |
61 | K problematike morfemnogo analiza sovremennogo russkogo jazykaOliverius, Z.F. - in: Acta facultatis philosophicae universitatis Šafarikanae Prešovensis, Bratislava (1968) 55-70 |
62 | Studien über den Verfall der bulgarischen Deklination. Das bulgarische Kasussystem zu Beginn des 13. JahrhundertsSteinke, K. - München, 1968, 133 p. |
63 | A Grammar of the Macedonian literary languageLunt, H.G. - Skopje, Državno Knigoizdatelstvo na NR Makedonija, 1952, 287 p. |
64 | Udarenie v sovremennom russkom skloneniiZaliznjak, A.A. - in: Russkij jazyk v nacional'noj škole (1963) 7-23 |
65 | Bulgarian Inflectional MorphophonologyAronson, H.I. - The Hague, Paris, 1968 |
66 | Stress Patterns in Russian Noun InflectionJosselson, H.H. - in: Studies in Linguistics (1948) 53-62 |
67 | O "vnutrennej fleksii" v indoevropejskix i semitskix jazykaxMel'čuk, I.A. - in: Voprosy Jazykoznanija (1963) 27-40 |
68 | The Czech Noun DeclensionNewman, L.W. - in: International Journal of Slavic Linguistics and Phonetics (1971) 21-31 |
69 | The Czech ConjugationRubenstein, H. - in: Word (1951) 144-154 |
70 | Polish ConjugationSchenker, A.M. - in: Word (1954) 469-481 |