Портал славістики


Bibliography of International Congresses of Slavists (BibSlavKon)

The Bibliography of International Congresses of Slavists (1929-2018) was converted from thirteen printed volumes into a database in cooperation with the Slavonic Library in Prague (Slovanská knihovna Praha) and contains 8550 records. Since 2008 the Bibliography appear only in electronic form and will be updated in five-year interval according to the next Congresses of Slavists. The further information can be found here. The overview of the classification can be found: here.

Your search for P1786 provides 106 hits

The Systems of the Third Person Pronoun with Particular Reference to the Category of the Prepositions in Slavic Languages

Ferrell, J. - American Contributions to the Fourth International Congress of Slavicists : Moscow, September 1958 (1958), 17-102

Sučasni tendenciji do perehljadu normatyvnych zasad ukrajins’koji literaturnoji movy i javyšče puryzmu : (na zahaľnoslov`jans’komu tli)

Taranenko, Oleksandr - Slov`jans’ki obriji (2008), 729–767

Za edin neizvesten prepis ot XIV v. na Klimentovo slovo i njakoi problemi na proučvaneto na starobălgarskite poučitelni slova ot IX–X v.

Nikolova, Svetlina - Palaeobulgarica = Starobălgaristika 32 (2008) 3, 3–22

Présentation du programme EuroSlav 2010 : base de données électronique de variétés slaves menacées dans des pays européens non slavophones

Adamou, Evangelia; Breu, Walter - Deutsche Beiträge zum 15. Internationalen Slavistenkongress : Minsk 2013 (2013), 13–23

Glagolski kalki v zgodovini slovenskega knjižnega jezika : (prevzemanje, raba in primerjava s stanjem v slovanskih jezikih)

Merše, Majda - Slavistična revija : časopis za jezikoslovje in literarne vede 51 (2003) Posebna številka, 81–103

O sile i bessilii purizma : anglicizmy i internacionalizmy i ich vozmožnyje aľternativy (na materiale russkogo, slovenskogo i chorvatskogo jazykov)

Pfandl, Heinrich - Voprosy jazykoznanija (2003) 6, 108–122

Autour du personnage de la boiteuse (les Démons) : quelques réflexions sur ľutilisation du folklore et du mythe dans la forme romanesque

Gourg, Marianne - Revue des études slaves 60 (1988) 1, 159-168

Kăm văprosa za proučvaneto na proizchoda, razprostranenieto, motivite i razvitieto na eposa za Krali Marko u južnite slavjani

Romanska, C. - Slavjanska filologija : materiali za V Meždunaroden kongres na slavistite (1963), 5-19

Stilno-ezikovo proučvane na slavjanskija pisatel s ogled kăm bǎlgarskata literatura : (Ivan Vazov i Penčo Slavejkov)

Vasilev, St. P. - Księga referatów : II Międzynarodowy zjazd slawistów (filologów słowiańskich). Sekcja I – Językoznawstwo = Recueil des communications : II Congrès international des slavistes (philologues slaves). Section I – Linguistique (1934), 154-155

Personenreferenz in Texten des Dokumentartheaters – am Beispiel von Elena Isaeva: Pervyj mužčina und Ján Šimko a kol.: Petržalské príbehy

Nagel, Lydia - Österreichische Beiträge zum Internationalen Slawistenkongress Minsk 2013 (2013), 61–68