Портал славістики


Bibliography of German-speaking Slavistics 1983-1992 (BibDatSlav)

The "Bibliography of German-speaking Slavistics 1983-1992" was converted from the printed publication to a database and contains about 10.000 bibliographic items. The list of subjects is located here.

Your search for Slavic Themes provides 26 hits

Wieder über die böhmischen Lehnwörter im Polnischen mit fremden phonetischen Eigenschaften

Siatkowski, Janusz - in: Slavic Themes (1988) 327-338

The Relevance of Polabian to an Appraisal of Slav Phonology

Slonek, Robert - in: Slavic Themes (1988) 339-347

Vestimentary Semiotics and Ivan Vazov's Under the Yoke

Christa, Boris - in: Slavic Themes (1988) 47-56

Slavisches in Polynesien : zur Geschichte des serbokroatisch-maorisch-englischen Sprachkontakts in Neuseeland

Stoffel, Hans-Peter - in: Slavic Themes (1988) 349-370

Zum Realismus in slavistischer Sicht

Gesemann, Wolfgang; Burg, Peter - in: Slavic Themes (1988) 115-126

The Tragic Will

Pachmuss, Temira - in: Slavic Themes (1988) 261-269

Nihilism, Positivism and Progress : Boborykin on the Russian Intelligentsia

McNair, John - in: Slavic Themes (1988) 203-222

From Moscow to Petushki : A New Kind of Journey

Moszenin, Elena - in: Slavic Themes (1988) 233-244

Honchar's Sobor and Rudenko's Orlova balka : Environmental Conservation as Theme and Argument in Two Recent Ukrainian Novels

Pavlyshyn, Marko - in: Slavic Themes (1988) 271-288

Nezval, Seifert, and the Czech Avant-Garde

French, Alfred - in: Slavic Themes (1988) 91-113