Портал славістики


"Lexicon palaeoslovenico-graeco-latinum" by Franz Miklosich (LexiconPGL)

"Lexicon palaeoslovenico-graeco-latinum" by Franz Miklosich (printed in Vindobonae by Braumueller) 1862-1865 was transcribed (via multi-stage proofreading process) and converted into the database within the project MultiSlavDict.


връвь ‹f.›

Entryσπαρτίον funiculus sup. pent.-mih. σχοινίον funiculus men.-mih. κάλος funis pent.-mih. плетый верьви σχοινοστρόφος funes torquens op. 2.2. 116. вьрвь ostrom. ῥαφίς acicula prol.-cip. lit. virvas.
PositionLexiconPGL (Lexicon palaeoslovenico-graeco-latinum / Franz Miklosich. Wien 1862-1865), p. 76, cf. Bild

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вѫже ‹n.›, LexiconPGL, p. 124
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връвьца ‹f.›, LexiconPGL, p. 76