Портал славістики


Church Slavonic Old Prints

The database of Church Slavonic (old) prints of the SBB-PK offers an overview of the prints and the approximately 1000 pages obtained and proofread with Transkribus in "Ground Truth" quality. The full text search in the text corpus of the GT data can be carried out via this widget.

Your search for Cvětnik Dorofeja provides 1 hits

[Cvětnik Dorofeja] Sija svjataja bogodochnovennaja kniga, naricaemaja Cvětnik, s perevodu izloženiem knigi, svjaščennoinoka Avvy Dorofeja

Dorotheus [Avva] - 1778 [Počaev] Typografija Počaevskaja
Date 7286 [1778], Weiterer Zitiertitel: Cvetnik Avvy Dorofeja, In Rot- und Schwarzdr., Der Blumengarten. Erbauungsschrift, Altgläubigen-Ausgabe. - Autopsie nach Ex. der SBB, Vorlageform des Erscheinungsvermerks: Napečatasja v Typografii Počaevskoj, 7286 goda, Paginierung: 1-9, 1-261, 162, 163, 164-2 ...
Exemplar: SBB-PK