Портал славістики
This Linguistic Bibliography contains about 17.000 records relating to Slavic Linguistics and Slavic Culture with focus on East- and South Slavic Regions. The list of subjects is located here.
Your search for Tschechisch provides 218 hits | |
1 | Czechia / Tschechien / TchèquieNekvapil, J. - in: Kontaktlinguistik / Contact Linguistics / Linguistique de contact. Ein internationales Handbuch zeitgenössischer Forschung / An International Handbook of Contemporary Research / Manuel international des recherches contemporaines, Bd. 12,2, Berlin, New York (1997) 1614-1649 |
2 | Das Konjugationssystem der tschechischen Hochsprache der Gegenwart: Versuch einer generativen MorphologieBeil-Koppová, I. - Frankfurt am Main, Lang, 1983 |
3 | Mluvíme beze slovVávra, V. - Praha, 1990 |
4 | The phonology of CzechKučera, H. - Den Haag, 1961 |
5 | Staročeský slovnik (na - obíjěti sě)Havránek, B.; Ryšanek, F.; Němec, I. (red.) - Praha, 1977 |
6 | Modal'nost' v českom jazykePlotnikov, B.; Jachnow, H. et al. (eds.) - in: Modalität und Modus, Wiesbaden (1994) 284-297 |
7 | Rod imen v češtiněOberpfalcer F. - Praha, 1986 |
8 | Czech (Grammar)Janda, L. - München, 1999 |
9 | Czech Through RussianTownsend, Ch.E. - Indiana, Slavica, 1981 |
10 | A description of spoken Prague CzechTownsend, Ch.E. - Columbus, Ohio, Slavica Publ, 1990, 151 p. |