Портал славістики
This Linguistic Bibliography contains about 17.000 records relating to Slavic Linguistics and Slavic Culture with focus on East- and South Slavic Regions. The list of subjects is located here.
Your search for Geographie provides 570 hits | |
1 | Slovar' geografičeskix nazvanij zarubežnyx stran. 2. IzdVolostnovoj, M.B. (red.) - Moskva, 1970 |
2 | Tables of the Hypergeometric Probability DistributionLiebermann, G.J.; Owen, D.B. - Stanford, 1961 |
3 | "Das Gegenwärtige sorbische Sprachgebiet der binationalen Lauzitz"Dippman, K. - in: Minoritas A 1 (1985) 11-26 |
4 | Kazaxstan v Sovremennom Mire: Economico- Geografičeskij OčerkErmakov, V.A. - Almaty, Karžy-karažat, 1998 |
5 | Očerkă putešestvija po evropejskoj TurcijGrigorovič, V. - Moskva, 1877 |
6 | Pătuvanija po BălgarijaIreček, K. - Sofija, BIN, 1974 |
7 | Caves and Speleology in BulgariaBeron, P.; Daaliev, T. - Pensoft Pub, 2006, 508 p. |
8 | Sto velikich geografičeskich otkrytijBalandin, R.K.; Markin, V.A. - Moskva, 2001, 480 p. |
9 | Zvenigorod i okrestnostiZvenigorod, 2007, 126 p. |
10 | Unentdecktes LitauenJovaiša, M. - Vilnius, 2008, 291 p. |