Портал славістики
This Linguistic Bibliography contains about 17.000 records relating to Slavic Linguistics and Slavic Culture with focus on East- and South Slavic Regions. The list of subjects is located here.
Your search for P1782 provides 215 hits | |
1 | Razsuždenie o prazdnikax, soveršaemyx v čest' Presvjatyja BogorodicyMuxin, A. - Moskva, Sinodal'n. Tipogr, 1938, 292 p. |
2 | Slovar' perestrojkiMaksimovič, V.I. i dr. - Sankt-Peterburg, Zlatoust, 1992, 256 p. |
3 | Perestrojka und SprachwissenschaftHinrichs, U. - in: Perestrojka. Multidisziplinäre Beiträge zum Stand der Realisierung in der Sowjetunion, Berlin (1990) 2119-2121 |
4 | Prosodija - BalkanNikolaeva, T.M. - Moskva, 1996 |
5 | Slavic ProsodyBethin, Chr.Y. - Cambridge University Press, 1999 |
6 | The Bulgarian Language in Practice / Practical Bulgarian Language Multimedia CD2004 |
7 | Das Grundgesetz der makedonischen ProsodieBrozović, D. - in: Wiener Slavistisches Jahrbuch (1975) 43-48 |
8 | Proezd Xudožestvennogo teatra, 3Šestakova, N. - Moskva, Moskovskij rabočij, 1989 |
9 | O Rossii prežde rurikaLomonosov, M.V. - o.J. |
10 | Word and sentence prosody in SerbocroatianLehiste, I.; Ivić, P. - Cambridge, Mass., MIT Press, 1986 |