Портал славістики


Kempgen's linguistic bibliography

This Linguistic Bibliography contains about 17.000 records relating to Slavic Linguistics and Slavic Culture with focus on East- and South Slavic Regions. The list of subjects is located here.

Author(s)Andrjuščenko, V.M..

Častotnye slovari i ix parametry

PublishedInnostrannye jazyki v škole, 1967, 3, 34-42
Subject headingsGrammatik; Lexikologie; Russisch
SoundexC4822; S8570; P1762
PURLCitation link

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Ideografičeskie slovari / Morkovkin, V.V.
Sovremennost' i slovari / Filin, F.P.
Russkie biografičeskie i biobibliografičeskie slovari / Kaufman, I.M.
Slovari i lingvo-stranovedenie. Sbornik statej / Vereščagina, E.M.
Slovari XVIII veka / Vomperskij, V.P.