Портал славістики
This Linguistic Bibliography contains about 17.000 records relating to Slavic Linguistics and Slavic Culture with focus on East- and South Slavic Regions. The list of subjects is located here.
ID | 5127 |
Author(s) | Knežević, A. |
Title | Die Turzismen in der Sprache der Kroaten und Serben |
Year | 1962 |
Place | Meisenheim am Glan |
Series | Slavisch-Baltisches Seminar der Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität Münster, Veröffentlichung Nr. 3 |
Subject headings | Lexikologie; Kroatisch; Serbisch; Entlehnungen; Lehnwörter; Türkisch |
Soundex | T2788; S8174; K4726; S8716 |
Type | book |
Holdings | WorldCat |
PURL | Citation link |
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