Портал славістики
The European Bibliography of Slavic and East European Studies (EBSEES) collects books, journal articles, reviews and dissertations from Eastern Europe (former countries of Eastern Bloc) which were published in Belgium, Germany, Finland, France, Great Britain, the Netherlands, Austria and Switzerland from 1991 to 2007. The segment "Literature" and "Culture" of the European Bibliography of Slavic and East European Studies contains 18.000 bibliographic entries (from the total asset of 85.000). More information can be found here.
Your search for Kosovo (Serbia) provides 125 hits | |
1 | Les premières élections libres du Kosovo, in Dossier: Balkans. Démocratisation et replis identitaires. Prép. par Christophe ChicletGjeloshaj, Kolë; De Waele, Jean-Michel, in: Confluences Méditerranée 38, 2001, pp. 43-50 |
2 | Kosovo in transition: an insider-outsider doing social research on Kosovo's present and futureAlice, Lynne, in: After Communism: critical perspectives on society and sociology, Carol Harrington ... [et al.] (eds.), 2004, pp. 199-220 |
3 | Trepča - Der Weg in das LabyrinthZimmermann, Peter, in: Südosteuropa Mitteilungen 42, 2002, pp. 50-63 |
4 | Kosovo: le début du statutGlamočak, Marina; Masson, Diane, in: Politique étrangère 71, 2006, pp. p. 147-158 |
5 | Women's memory in the Balkans: the alternative Kosovo mythSlapšak, Svetlana, in: Gender and nation in South Eastern Europe. Karl Kaser, Elisabeth Katschnig-Fasch, editors, 2005, pp. 95-112 |
6 | L'exceptionnelle situation démographique du Kosovo, in N° thématique: Les populations des Balkans / Populations in the Balkan RegionsBlayo, Chantal; Bergouignan, Christophe; Llopart, Marine; Okobo, Nicodème; Stiegler, Nancy, in: Espace, Populations, Sociétés, 2004, pp. 607-624 |
7 | Kosovo won´t waitSerwer, Daniel, in: Südosteuropa Mitteilungen 44, 2004, pp. 94-101 |
8 | Controverses sur les frontières du KosovoRoux, Michel, in: Balkanologie 7, 2003, pp. 183-197 |
9 | Kosovo: comment on crée une fiscalitéAben, Jacques, in: Sociétal 39, 2003, pp. 31-34 |
10 | Crépitement de truelles au KosovoRoselli, Maria, in: Un seul monde = Un solo mondo = Eine Welt : das DEZA-Magazin für Entwicklung und Zusammenarbeit, 2000, pp. 14-15 |