Портал славістики


Bibliography of Slavic Publications from the German Democratic Republic 1946-1986 (BibSlawPub)

The Bibliography of Slavic Publications from the German Democratic Republic 1946-1986 (BibSlawPub) was converted from the the five volumes printed publication to a database and contains about 19.600 records. The overview for the volumes can be found here. The Classification overview is here.

Author(s)Jänke, J.

Polnische Literatur in der DDR

PublishedKulturelle und wissenschaftliche Beziehungen zwischen d. Deutsche Demokratische Republik und d. VR Polen. Rostock 1976. S. 83-88
ClassificationLiteraturen der slawischen Völker (einschließlich deutsch-slawische Literaturbeziehungen); Westslawisch
Polnische Literatur
SoundexP1568; L5272
Holdings (in Germany)in KVK prüfen
PURLCitation link

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