Портал славістики


Bibliography of Slavic Publications from the German Democratic Republic 1946-1986 (BibSlawPub)

The Bibliography of Slavic Publications from the German Democratic Republic 1946-1986 (BibSlawPub) was converted from the the five volumes printed publication to a database and contains about 19.600 records. The overview for the volumes can be found here. The Classification overview is here.

Author(s)Rössler, R.

Eigennamen als Gattungsnamen:

PublishedSprachpflege 16 (1967) S. 71-78
ClassificationSlavistische und germanoslavistische Namenforschung
SoundexE0466; G4226
Holdings (in Germany)in KVK prüfen
PURLCitation link

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Sektion III: Eigennamen und Sprachgeschichte / Bily, I.
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