Портал славістики


Bibliography of German-speaking Slavistics 1983-1992 (BibDatSlav)

The "Bibliography of German-speaking Slavistics 1983-1992" was converted from the printed publication to a database and contains about 10.000 bibliographic items. The list of subjects is located here.

Author(s)Miklas, Heinz

Svoj-si, sebe si und Verwandtes

PublishedPărvi Meždunaroden kongres po bălgaristika, Sofija 23 maj - 3 juni 1981: Dokladi: Istoričeski razvoj na bălgorskija ezik 3 (1983) 82-96
Subject headungsPronomen, bulg.
ClassificationSlawische Sprachen
Südslawische Sprachen
Holdings (in Germany)in KVK prüfen
PURLCitation link

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