Портал славістики


Bibliography of International Congresses of Slavists (BibSlavKon)

The Bibliography of International Congresses of Slavists (1929-2018) was converted from thirteen printed volumes into a database in cooperation with the Slavonic Library in Prague (Slovanská knihovna Praha) and contains 8550 records. Since 2008 the Bibliography appear only in electronic form and will be updated in five-year interval according to the next Congresses of Slavists. The further information can be found here. The overview of the classification can be found: here.

Your search for Historical Problems provides 282 hits

České slovanství v boji proti dualismu : (do konce 19. století)

Šesták, Miroslav; Šťastný, Vladislav - Československá slavistika. 1988, Lingvistika, historie (1988), 265-275

„Komenský“ w encyklopediach powszechnych Słowian Południowych

Śliziński, Jerzy - Z polskich studiów slawistycznych. Seria 7, Literaturoznawstvo, Folklorystyka, Problematyka historyczna : prace na X Międzynarodowy kongres slawistów w Sofii 1988 (1988), 621-627

Da Pietroburgo a Roma e ritorno : Stepan B. Džunkovskij (1821-1870)

Tamborra, Angelo - Europa orientalis : Studi e Ricerche sui Paesi e le Culture delľEst Europeo & Bibliografia Italiana Corrente sulľEuropa Orientale 7 (1988), 373-408

Philosophisch-künstlerische Konzeptionen in der russischen Literatur : Ende des 19./Anfang des 20. Jahrhunderts

Umlauft, Wolfram - Zeitschrift für Slawistik 33 (1988) 3, 433-437

Socialni vrăzki v ramkite na bă1garskata emigracija v Rumănija prez XIX vek

Velichi, Constantin N. - Romanoslavica (1987), 199-207

La contestation de ľautorité paternelle : conflits de générations et ruptures ideologiques dans la Russie de la seconde moitié du XIXe siècle

Burnet-Vigniel, M.-C. - Revue des études slaves 55 (1983) 1, 197-207

Jernej Kopitar and tne Beginning of South Slavic Studies

Cooper, H. R. Jr. - American Contributions to the Ninth International Congress of Slavists : Kiev, September 1983 (1983), 97-111

Russian Perceptions of England, and Russian National Awareness at the End of the Eighteenth and the Beginning of tne Nineteenth Centuries

Cross, A. G. - The Slavonic and East European Review 61 (1983) 1, 89-106

Dmitrij Alekseevič Golicyn (1734-1803) und sein Werk „Vom Geist der Ökonomisten“ : zur politischen Ideologie des russischen Adels in den Jahren der Französischen Revolution

Donnert, E. - Zeitschrift für Slawistik 27 (1982) 5, 678-683

Paralleli greco-bulgari nella questione della lingua nell epoca del Văzraždane

Delľagata, G. - Mondo slavo e cultura italiana : contributi italiani al IX Congresso Internazionale degli Slavisti Kiev 1983 (1983), 93-109