Портал славістики
The module offers about 10,000 most important printed journals in Slavic Studies. The journals sorted in alphabetical order and contains bibliographical records as well as the holdings information.
ID | 026051591 |
Title | Przegląd tygodniowy |
Published | Warszawa: [Verlag nicht ermittelbar] [1881-1881] |
Numbering | 1.1881[?] |
Std number(s) | ZDB: 2147727-9, OCLC: 916858738 |
Classification(s) | DDC: 050 (Zeitschriften, fortlaufende Sammelwerke) |
Language | pol |
Country | Polen |
Note | Übers.: Wochenschau |
Holdings (in Germany) | Information to holding(s) |
PURL | Citation link |