Портал славістики
The Bibliographic Database of German Publication on Russia, the Soviet Union and its Successor States (RussGus) contains about 170.000 records from 1974 to 2003 and collects publications of different document types: books, dissertations and other university publications, articles from journals and newspapers including reviews, maps etc. The lists of personal and geographical subjects are located here and here.
Your search for C8878 provides 24 hits | |
1 | O tesouro dos czares. Trad. de Maria Adelaide Namorado FreireKonsalik, Heinz G., Lisboa: Circulo de Leitores, 1994. 456 S. |
2 | Chilogobio czerskii Berg: ein neuer Aquarienfisch aus dem AmurKotschetow, Alexander, in: Aquarien - Terrarien, 1976, S. 40-44 |
3 | Catherine Palace: Back to czarist daysHobbs, Pam, in: Chicago Tribune, vom 31.01.1988, S. 6 |
4 | Czarist Treasures Foundin: Greensboro News & Record, vom 20.11.1991 |
5 | John B. Toews: Czars, Soviets and MennonitesArndt, Nikolaus, in: Zeitschrift für Ostforschung, 37, 1988, S. 132-133 (Rezension) |
6 | Czarist Treasure Found On Base In Germanyin: Roanoke Times & World-News, vom 20.11.1991 |
7 | Czarist Treasures Found In Germanyin: San Jose Mercury News, vom 20.11.1991 |
8 | Czarist Treasure Found on Base in Germanyin: The Roanoke Times (VA), vom 20.11.1991 |
9 | Floridan Seeks Czarist Treasurein: The Palm Beach Post, vom 08.09.1994 |
10 | Lost Treasure. Where is the Czar's Amber Room?in: Time, Nr. 7 vom 12.02.1996, S. 68-69 |