Портал славістики
The database "Online Contents" (OLC) Slavistics gathers the approx. 300,000 tables of contents of approx. 498 most important Slavic periodicals with the reporting period from 1998 until today and is being processed continuously by the Berlin State Library - Prussian Cultural Heritage. A list of authors as tag cloud can be found here.
ID | 1737787466 |
Author(s) | Annette, Muschner |
Title | H. Henschel, Die Phraseologie der tschechischen Sprache. Frankfurt a.M. 1993 |
Published | Die Welt der Slaven : internationale Halbjahresschrift für Slavistik, München : Sagner, 39, 1994, 1, 194 |
Language | deu |
Soundex | H0688; P1785; T8884; S8174; F3764 |
Medium | article |
Holdings (in Germany) | see in ZDB-Katalog |
Holdings | see in WorldCat |
Source | OLC Slavistik |
PURL | Citation link, BibTeX |
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