Портал славістики
This Linguistic Bibliography contains about 17.000 records relating to Slavic Linguistics and Slavic Culture with focus on East- and South Slavic Regions. The list of subjects is located here.
Your search for Slawisch provides 1848 hits | |
1 | The Role of the Distinctive Features and their Use in the Slavonic LanguagesFodor, I. - in: Studia Slavica (1961) 17-58 |
2 | Serta Slavica in memoriam Aloisii Schmaus. Gedenkschrift für Alois SchmausGesemann, W. u.a. (Hgg.) - München, 1971 |
3 | On the Notions 'Underlying Strucutre' and 'Process' in Modern Slavic LinguisticsSussex, R. - in: International Journal of Slavic Linguistics and Phonetics (1976) 19-42 |
4 | Ausgewählte Vorträge zur slavischen Philologie 1976-1981Freidhof, G. - München, Otto Sagner, 1989 |
5 | Philologica 1-3Barnet, V. u.a. (Hgg.) - Prag, 1968 |
6 | Philologica 2-4Buriánek, F. u.a. (Hgg.) - Prag, 1970 |
7 | Die Welt der Slaven. Halbjahresschrift für SlavistikVerlag Otto Sagner, München, o.J. |
8 | Voprosy slavjanskogo jazykoznanijaSaratovskij Universitet,. - Saratov, 1968 |
9 | Slavjanska paleografija i diplomatikaVelčeva, B. (red.) - Sofia, 1980 |
10 | Issledovanija v oblasti slavjanskix drevnostejIvanov, V.V.; Toporov, V.N. - Moskva, 1974 |