Портал славістики


Kempgen's linguistic bibliography

This Linguistic Bibliography contains about 17.000 records relating to Slavic Linguistics and Slavic Culture with focus on East- and South Slavic Regions. The list of subjects is located here.

Your search for Morphologie provides 1506 hits

Sur l'appréciation fonctionelle des alternances morphologiques

Komárek, M. - in: Travaux Linguistiques de Prague (1964) 145-162

Relikt und disjunkte Alternanz

Kunert, J. - in: Die Welt der Slaven (1963) 376-387

The morphophonemics of Saussure's 'Cours de linguistique générale'

Zimmer, K.E. - in: Foundations of Language (1970) 423-426

Očerki slavjanskoj morfonologii (čeredovanie v paradigme nastojaščego vremeni)

Bernštejn, S.B. - in: Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta (1970) 3, 3-18 / 4, 45-58

Čeredovanie zvukov i smežnye javlenija v sovremennom russkom jazyke

Vinokur, G.O. - in: A.A. Reformatskij, Iz istorii otečestvennoj fonologii, Moskva (1970) 355-359

Morfonologija slavjanskogo slovoobrazovanija

Vort, D.S. - in: American Contributions to the Seventh International Congress of Slavists, Vol. I, The Hague, Paris (1973) 377-391

O roli abstraktnyx edinic v russkoj morfonologii

Vort [Worth] D.S. - in: Razvitie sovremennogo russkogo jazyka (1972) 53-68

Izmenenija v morfologičeskoj strukture slova

Šanskij, N.M. - in: Russkij jazyk v škole (1959) 6-12

The Phonemic Organisation of Morphemes

Truka, B. - in: Acta Universitatis Carolinae, Philologica 6, Phonetica Pragensia (1967) 91-93

Probleme der Bildung des Zahlwortes als Redeteil in den slavischen Sprachen

Serech, J. - Lund, 1952