Портал славістики
This Linguistic Bibliography contains about 17.000 records relating to Slavic Linguistics and Slavic Culture with focus on East- and South Slavic Regions. The list of subjects is located here.
Your search for Morphologie provides 1506 hits | |
1 | Problemy teorii i praktiki morfonologičeskogo opisanijaBulygina, T.V. - in: Izvestija AN SSSR, Serija lit. i jaz. 34 (1975) 328-340 |
2 | Phonologie und MorphonologieKuryłowicz, J. - in: Phonologie der Gegenwart, Graz etc (1967) 158-172 |
3 | Allomorphy in InflexionCarstairs, A. - London, 1987 |
4 | Where's morphology?Anderson, S.R. - in: Linguistic Inquiry (1982) 571-612 |
5 | The identification of morphemesNida, E.A. - in: Language (1948) 414-441 |
6 | On the Use of Zero in MorphemicsSaporta, S. - in: Proceedings of the Ninth International Congress of Linguists, The Hague (1964) 228-230 |
7 | Morfonologičeskie uslovija obrazovanija otymenyx glagolov s suffiksom -Ø-//-u-(t')Baxtyrina, R.V. - in: Razvitie slovoobrazovanija sovremennogo russkogo jazyka, Moskva (1966) |
8 | Morpheme Alternants in Linguistics AnalysisHarris, Z.S. - in: Language (1942) 169-180 |
9 | The emergence of morphophonemics: A Survey of theory and practice from 1876 to 1939Kilbury, J. - in: Lingua (1974) 235-252 |
10 | Opposition and Hierarchy in Morphophonemic AlternationsStankiewicz, E. - in: To Honor Roman Jakobson Vol. III, The Hague, Paris (1967) 1895-1905 |