Портал славістики
This Linguistic Bibliography contains about 17.000 records relating to Slavic Linguistics and Slavic Culture with focus on East- and South Slavic Regions. The list of subjects is located here.
Your search for S8564 provides 175 hits | |
1 | Malý slovník českých slangůHubáček, J. - Ostrava, Profil, 1988 |
2 | Několik slangových slovníkůSuk, J. - Praha, 1993 |
3 | SlovenicaIlešič, F. - in: Archiv für slavische Philologie (1899) 199-212 |
4 | Slovenska slovnicaBajec, A.; Kolarič, R. - Ljubljana, 1956 |
5 | Slavonic AccentuationStang, Ch.S. - Oslo, 1957 |
6 | Słownik prasłowiańskiSławski, F. - Wrocław, 1974 |
7 | Sleng xippiRožanskij, F. - Pariž, 1992 |
8 | The Slavonic LanguagesComrie, B.; Corbett, G.G. (eds.) - London, New York, 1993 |
9 | Słownik staropolskiKlemensiewicz, Z. - Wrocław, Warszawa, Kraków, 1967 |
10 | Old Church SlavonicGasparov, B. - München, 2001, 240 p. |