Портал славістики
This Linguistic Bibliography contains about 17.000 records relating to Slavic Linguistics and Slavic Culture with focus on East- and South Slavic Regions. The list of subjects is located here.
Your search for C4642 provides 18 hits | |
1 | The Czech ConjugationRubenstein, H. - in: Word (1951) 144-154 |
2 | Polish ConjugationSchenker, A.M. - in: Word (1954) 469-481 |
3 | Serbocroatian ConjugationSchooneveld, C.H. v. - in: International Journal of Slavic Linguistics and Phonetics (1959) 55-69 |
4 | Russian conjugationJacobson, R. - in: Word (1948) 155-167 |
5 | The Old Church Slavonic Conjugation. With an Appendix on the Old Russian ConjugationHalle, M. - in: Word (1951) 155-167 |
6 | Conjugation of Russian VerbsOžegov, S.I.; Makarova, S.I. - Moskva, Progress, 1968 |
7 | Notes on the Czech ConjugationKučera, J. - in: Word (1952) 378-386 |
8 | Morphophonemics of the Serbocroatian ConjugationNaylor, K.E. - in: International Journal of Slavic Linguistics and Phonetics (1975) 83-92 |
9 | On the phonology of Russian conjugationLightner, Th.M. - in: Linguistics (1967) 35-55 |
10 | Lehre von der Conjugation im AltslovenischenMiklosich [Miklošič], F. - in: Denkschr. WAW (1850) 167-206 |