Портал славістики


Kempgen's linguistic bibliography

This Linguistic Bibliography contains about 17.000 records relating to Slavic Linguistics and Slavic Culture with focus on East- and South Slavic Regions. The list of subjects is located here.

Author(s)Anderson, S.R.

Where's morphology?

PublishedLinguistic Inquiry, 1982, 13, 571-612
Subject headingsMorphologie
SoundexW0780; M6715
PURLCitation link

More like this:

Where Was Ninth-Century Moravia? Toward a structural analysis of the Frankish sources / Bowlus, C.R.
Studies in Polish Morphology and Syntax / Hentschel, G.
Introductory Linguistics (daraus: Morphology; Morphophonemics) / Hall, R.A.
Some Typological Observations on Sundanese Morphology / Robins, R.H.
Historical Morphology / Fisiak, Jacek (ed.)
Current Morphology / Carstairs-McCarthy, A.
Contemporary Morphology / Dressler, W.U. et al.