Портал славістики


Kempgen's linguistic bibliography

This Linguistic Bibliography contains about 17.000 records relating to Slavic Linguistics and Slavic Culture with focus on East- and South Slavic Regions. The list of subjects is located here.

Author(s)Stankiewicz, E.

Opposition and Hierarchy in Morphophonemic Alternations

PublishedTo Honor Roman Jakobson Vol. III, The Hague, Paris (1967), 1895-1905
Subject headingsMorphologie
SoundexO0118; H0774; M6711; A0527
PURLCitation link

More like this:

The Singular-Plural Oppositions in the Slavic Languages / Stankiewicz, E.
Trubetzkoy and Slavic Morphophonemics / Stankiewicz, E.
The Consonantal Alternations in the Slavic Declensions / Stankiewicz, E.
Unity and Variety in the Morphophonemic Patterns of the Slavic Declensions / Stankiewicz, E.
Slavic Morphophonemics in its Typological and Diachronic Aspects / Stankiewicz, E.
Accent and vowel alternations in the substantive declension of modern standard Slovenian / Stankiewicz, E.
The Agreement Hierarchy / Corbett, G.G.