Портал славістики
This Linguistic Bibliography contains about 17.000 records relating to Slavic Linguistics and Slavic Culture with focus on East- and South Slavic Regions. The list of subjects is located here.
Your search for Householder, F.W. provides 4 hits | |
1 | Descriptive analysis of Latin declensionHouseholder, F.W. - in: Word (1947) 48-48 |
2 | On Linguistics PrimesHouseholder, F.W. - in: Word (1959) 223-239 |
3 | On some recent claims in phonological theoryHouseholder, F.W. - in: Journal of Linguistics (1965) 13-34 |
4 | Readings in Linguistics IIHamp, E.P.; Householder, F.W.; Austerlitz, R. - Chicago and London, The University of Chicago Press, 1967 |