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The European Bibliography of Slavic and East European Studies (EBSEES) - 1991-2007

The European Bibliography of Slavic and East European Studies (EBSEES) collects books, journal articles, reviews and dissertations from Eastern Europe (former countries of Eastern Bloc) which were published in Belgium, Germany, Finland, France, Great Britain, the Netherlands, Austria and Switzerland from 1991 to 2007. The segment "Literature" and "Culture" of the European Bibliography of Slavic and East European Studies contains 18.000 bibliographic entries (from the total asset of 85.000). More information can be found here.

Author(s)Niborski, Itzhok

La littérature yiddish en Pologne entre les deux guerres mondiales

Editor(s)Sous la dir. de Baumgarten, Jean
PublishedMille ans de cultures ashkénazes, 1994, p. 459-68
PublsiherLiana Lévi
SubjectsPoland / Literature of Minorities / Jewish  [Browse all]
Poland / Language / Yiddish  [Browse all]
HoldingsSearch WorldCat
PURLCitation link

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Dictionnaire des mots d'origine hébraïque et araméenne en usage dans la langue yiddish / Niborski, Itzhok
Les réfugiés politiques ukrainiens en France entre les deux guerres / Melnyczenko, Jean-Bernard
Le judaïsme roumain entre les deux guerres / Kaplan, Joseph
La jeunesse roumaine entre les deux guerres (1918-1941) / Nica, Michèle
La frontière entre la Lituanie et la Pologne pendant l'entre-deux-guerres / Padych, Claire