Портал славістики
The "Bibliography of the Czech Linguistics (BibCzechLing)" is provided by the Institute of the Czech Language of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic (Ústav pro jazyk český AV). The database contains about 73.280 records and covers the period from 1992 till 2018. The list of subjects is located here.
Your search for dvojznačnost provides 33 hits | |
1 | Exprimant les attitudes: certaines ambiguïté dans la communication franco-tchèqueVlčková-Mejvaldová, Jana, in: Bulletin Sdružení učitelů francouzštiny, 1999 |
2 | Why we read what we think we are reading: on some aspects of resolving ambiguitySmolka, Vladislav, in: The Prague School and Theories of Structure [PSTS], Göttingen, V&R Unipress ; 2010, s. 209-218 |
3 | Simplified processing of elliptic and anaphoric utterances in a train timetable information retrieval dialogue systemMatoušek, Václav, in: Text, Speech and Dialogue [TSD'00] : Third International Workshop, TSD 2000. Brno, Czech Republic, September 13-16, 2000. Proceedings, Berlin, Springer ; 2000, s. 399-404 |
4 | Ambiguity and the search for meaning. English and American studies at the beginning of the 21st century. 2. Language and cultureEd. by Jodłowiec, Maria Kraków 2010 |
5 | Les ambiguïtés du françaisFuchs, Catherine Paris 1996 |
6 | Druhý bez dvou za dvacet dva?Králík, Jan, in: Naše řeč, 81, č. 1, 1998, s. 55-56 |
7 | Ambiguity in Czech sentences, its classification and searching for itStraňáková, Markéta, in: WDS'98: Week of doctoral students 1998 : 7th annual conference of doctoral students, [Praha], Matfyz Press ; 1998, s. 165-170 |
8 | Osmnáct aneb duodēvīgintīJodas, Josef, in: Češtinář, 16, č. 1, 2005-06, s. 15-17 |
9 | Lexikální disambiguace českých textůCikhart, Ondřej Praha 1998 |
10 | A contrastive view of syntactic ambiguitiesDušková, Libuše, in: Travaux du Cercle linguistique de Prague n. s., Amsterdam, Benjamins ; 1995, s. 102-111 |