Портал славістики


Bibliography of Slavic Publications from the German Democratic Republic 1946-1986 (BibSlawPub)

The Bibliography of Slavic Publications from the German Democratic Republic 1946-1986 (BibSlawPub) was converted from the the five volumes printed publication to a database and contains about 19.600 records. The overview for the volumes can be found here. The Classification overview is here.

Author(s)Vinogradov, V. V.

Principy postroenija russkogo sintaksisa v "Grammatike russkogo jazyka" AN SSSR

PublishedVorträge auf der Berliner Slawistentagung". Berlin 1956. S. 12-28
ClassificationSprachen der slawischen Völker
Sprache der Gegenwart
SoundexP1768; P1827; R7844; S8624; G4766; R7844; J0840
Holdings (in Germany)in KVK prüfen
PURLCitation link

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Ob izučenii sintaksisa russkogo jazyka / Hammer, B.
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Nemecko-russkij medicinskij slovar' sočetaemosti (principy postroenija) / Ajzel't, Ė, / Eiselt, E./
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Nekotorye zamečanija po povodu izučenija russkogo jazyka kak inostrannogo na urovne sintaksisa / Blochina, N. G.