Портал славістики


Bibliography of International Congresses of Slavists (BibSlavKon)

The Bibliography of International Congresses of Slavists (1929-2018) was converted from thirteen printed volumes into a database in cooperation with the Slavonic Library in Prague (Slovanská knihovna Praha) and contains 8550 records. Since 2008 the Bibliography appear only in electronic form and will be updated in five-year interval according to the next Congresses of Slavists. The further information can be found here. The overview of the classification can be found: here.

Your search for Jazykověda provides 2873 hits

Accettabilità linguistica e perspettiva balcanica nella questione della lingua in Bulgaria

Delľagata, Giuseppe - Contributi italiani alľVIII Congresso internazionale degli Slavisti : (Zagreb – Ljubljana 1978) (1978), 61-72

Oriental Borrowings in the Language of the Byelorussian Tatars

Akiner, Shirin - The Slavonic and East European Review 56 (1978) 2, 224-241

Prilog proučavanju srpskoslovenskog elementa u delima srpskih pisaca osamnaestog i prve trećine devetnaestog stoleća

Albijanić, Aleksandar - American Contributions to the Eighth International Congress of Slavists : Zagreb and Ljubljana, September 3-9, 1978 (1978), 11-25

Pravci morfološke promene u balkansko-slavenskim dijalektima : akcentuacija imperativa

Alexander, Ronelle - American Contributions to the Eighth International Congress of Slavists : Zagreb and Ljubljana, September 3-9, 1978 (1978), 26-44

Novootkrytyj ijerusalimskij fragment drevnerusskogo Aprakosa

Altbauer, Moshé - 1978, 14 s.

Toward a Comparative Semantic Analysis of Suffixal Word Formation in Slavic

Armstrong, Daniel - American Contributions to the Eighth International Congress of Slavists : Zagreb and Ljubljana, September 3-9, 1978 (1978), 45-81

Literary Language and Literary Dialect in Medieval and Early Modern Slavonic Literatures

Auty, Robert - The Slavonic and East European Review 56 (1978) 2, 192-201

Obščeslavjanskij lingvističeskij atlas (1958-1978) : itogi i perspektivy

Avanesov, Ruben Ivanovič - Slavjanskoje jazykoznanije : VIII meždunarodnyj s“jezd slavistov : Zagreb – Ljubljana, sentjabr’ 1978 g. : doklady sovetskoj delegacii (1978), 5-26

Granica između tvorbenih i netvorbenih (motiviranih i nemotiviranih) riječi

Babić, Stjepan - Prilozi (1978), 7-14

Rusko-bălgarskite ezikovi kontakti i văprosăt za tipologijata na rusizmite v bălgarskija ezik

Babov, Kiril - Slavjanska filologija (1978), 121-126