Портал славістики


Bibliography of International Congresses of Slavists (BibSlavKon)

The Bibliography of International Congresses of Slavists (1929-2018) was converted from thirteen printed volumes into a database in cooperation with the Slavonic Library in Prague (Slovanská knihovna Praha) and contains 8550 records. Since 2008 the Bibliography appear only in electronic form and will be updated in five-year interval according to the next Congresses of Slavists. The further information can be found here. The overview of the classification can be found: here.

Author(s)Thomas, Paul-Louis

Fonction communicative et fonction symbolique de la langue : sur ľexemple du serbo-croate: bosniaque, croate, serbe

PublishedRevue des études slaves. Le présent fascicule rassemble les Communications de la délégation française au XIIe Congrès international des slavistes (Cracovie, 27 août - 2 septembre 1998) 70 (1998) 1, 27-37
Classifisation (EN)Linguistics
Significance of Slavic Linguistics for Language Theory
Classifisation (RU)Языкознание
Значение славянского языкового материала для теории языка
Classifisation (CZ)Jazykověda
Význam slovanského jazykového materiálu pro teorii jazyka
SoundexF3682; C4666; F3682; S8615; L5640; L5486; S8710; C4720; B1864; C4720; S8710
VolumeXII (1998)
URLwww.persee.fr (homepage)
Holdings in Germanysee in ZDB-Katalog
HoldingsSee in WorldCat
PURLCitation link

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