Портал славістики


Bibliography of Slavic Publications from German Journals 1876-1983 (BibSlavArb)

The "Bibliography of Slavic Publications from German Journals 1876 to 1983" was converted from the printed bibliography and contains about 17.000 records. The table of content was processed into the List of Subjects.

Author(s)Grünenthal, O.

Zu sloven. presenétiti

PublishedZeitschrift für slavische Philologie 19 (1947) 324. s. auch 1667
SoundexS8560; P1786
URL (Fulltext)zsph.winter-verlag.de (homepage)
Holdings (in Germany)see in ZDB-Katalog
HoldingsSee WorldCat
PURLCitation link

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Sloven. presenętiti 'in Erstaunen setzen" / Pirchegger, S.
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Etymologisches. [ sloven. nobeden, obeden; vèndъr.] / Valjavac, M.
Zu den slavischen Geheimsprachen. / Grünenthal, O.
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