Портал славістики


Bibliographic Materials in Slavistics (BibMatSlaw)

The database "Bibliographic Materials in Slavistics" contains bibliographic data in Slavistics which was converted from different printed bibliographies into the electronic form. The overview over the Subject Headings is here. The list of converted bibliographies can be find here.

Your search for Исторія славянскихъ литературъ и фольклоръ provides 1 hits

О нѣкоторыхъ геограФическихъ названіяхъ въ русскомъ и южнославянскомъ героическомъ эпосѣ

Халанскій, М. - Русскій Филологическій Вѣстникъ. Варшава. 1901. XLV, 318-338.