Портал славістики


Bibliography of German-speaking Slavistics 1983-1992 (BibDatSlav)

The "Bibliography of German-speaking Slavistics 1983-1992" was converted from the printed publication to a database and contains about 10.000 bibliographic items. The list of subjects is located here.

Your search for Slavic Themes provides 26 hits

Nationality and Language : Attitudes and Change : (From an Antipodean Perspective)

Zohrab, Irene - in: Slavic Themes (1988) 409-422

Zur Frage der lexikalischen Beziehungen des Russischen und Litauischen

Schaller, Helmut - in: Slavic Themes (1988) 307-317

The System of Tenses in Old Church Slavonic

Brooks, Maria Z. - in: Slavic Themes (1988) 39-46

Der altkirchenslavische Wortschatz in bulgarisch-kirchenslavischen Texten des 9. bis 15. Jahrhunderts

Jelitte, Herbert - in: Slavic Themes (1988) 127-157

Modlitwa nad chorym duchownym w Euchologium Sinaiticum

Moszyński, Leszek - in: Slavic Themes (1988) 245-260

Zum Alter und Ursprung der russischen Inversion von Zahlwort und Substantiv zur Angabe der Approximativität

Mathiassen, Terje - in: Slavic Themes (1988) 195-202

Aspect and Word Formation in High-Frequency Russian Verbs

Cubberley, Paul - in: Slavic Themes (1988) 57-77

Language Maintenance and/or Ethic Continuity : An Analysis of Attitudes Expressed in Two Australian Russian-Language Newspapers

Kouzmin, Ludmila - in: Slavic Themes (1988) 159-172

Grammatica Bohemica Matouše Philonoma Benešovského z roku 1577

Vintr, Josef - in: Slavic Themes (1988) 387-396

Ślady misji metodejskiej w języku polskim - stan badań

Basaj, Mieczysław - in: Slavic Themes (1988) 31-37