Портал славістики


Bibliography of German-speaking Slavistics 1983-1992 (BibDatSlav)

The "Bibliography of German-speaking Slavistics 1983-1992" was converted from the printed publication to a database and contains about 10.000 bibliographic items. The list of subjects is located here.

Your search for Sprachtypologie provides 19 hits

Diachrone Typologie der slavischen Sprachen

Kattein, Rudolf - Frankfurt/Main 1983, 203 S.

On Slovak and Czech Contributions to Linguistic Typology

Sgall, Petr - in: Wiener Slawistischer Almanach (1990) 397-410

On Some Main Directions in the Development of the Typology of Languages

Sgall, Petr - in: Wiener Slawistischer Almanach (1983) 217-228

Europa, typologisch gesehen

Shimomiya, Tadao - in: Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Congress of Linguists : Berlin, August 10 - August 15, 1987 (1990) 2511-2516

Zur typologischen Stellung des Polnischen : ein Vergleich mit dem Čechischen und Russischen

Weiss, Daniel - in: Schweizerische Beiträge zum IX. Internationalen Slavistenkongress in Kiev (1983) 219-245

On the Genealogical and Typological Classification of Old Church Slavonic and its Textual Evidence

Birnbaum, Henrik - in: Die Welt der Slawen (1987) 362-407

Sistema, ėvolucija i obščerusskij jazykovoj tip

Karaulov, Jurij N. - in: Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Congress of Linguists : Berlin, August 10 - August 15, 1987 (1990) 1805-1809

Language Families, Linguistic Types, and The Position of the Rusin Microlanguage within Slavic

Birnbaum, Henrik - in: Die Welt der Slawen (1983) 1-23

Some Aspects of a Language Change Typology

Dančev, Andrej - in: Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Congress of Linguists : Berlin, August 10 - August 15, 1987 (1990) 1340-1342

Die Trichotomie der slavischen Sprachen aus morphologischer Sicht

Kopečný, František - in: Wiener Slawistischer Almanach (1983) 345-348