Портал славістики
The "Bibliography of German-speaking Slavistics 1983-1992" was converted from the printed publication to a database and contains about 10.000 bibliographic items. The list of subjects is located here.
Your search for C4740 provides 18 hits | |
1 | The System of Tenses in Old Church SlavonicBrooks, Maria Z. - in: Slavic Themes (1988) 39-46 |
2 | Slavs, Common Slavic, and Old Church SlavonicLunt, Horace G. - in: Litterae Slavicae Medii Aevi: Francisco Venceslao Mareš Sexagenario Oblatae / hrsg. von J. Reinhart. München 1985 (1985) 185-204 |
3 | Le statut du discours chez Tsvetaeva : une esthétique du courageMalleret, Eve - in: Marina Cvetaeva (1991) 294-306 |
4 | The Cathedral Church of Sirmium and the Grave of St. MethodiusBoba, Imre - in: Die slawischen Sprachen (1985) 35-40 |
5 | The Humanist Lover : Conrad Celtis in CracowSegel, Harold B. - in: Ars philologica slavica : Festschrift für Heinrich Kunstmann / hrsg. von V. Setschkareff, P. Rehder und H. Schmid. München 1988 (1988) 429-438 |
6 | Desjat' rokiv ukrajinskoji literatury (1917-1927). 1: Bio-Bibliohrafičnyj. Charkiv 1928Lejtes, A.M.; Jašek, M.F. - München 1986, IV, 671 S. |
7 | On the Genealogical and Typological Classification of Old Church Slavonic and its Textual EvidenceBirnbaum, Henrik - in: Die Welt der Slawen (1987) 362-407 |
8 | Front Rounded Vowels and the Phoneme /j/ in Proto-Church SlavonicCollins, Daniel E. - in: Die Welt der Slawen (1992) 1-32 |
9 | Pokažčyk z ukrajins'koji movy. Charkiv 1929-1930 = Materialien zu einer ukrainistischen sprachwissenschaftlichen Bibliographie bis zum Jahr 1929Ćervin'ska, L.F.; Dykyj, A.T. - München 1985, III, IV, 290 S. |
10 | Life, Courage, Ice : A Semiological Essay on the Old Russian Biography of Aleksandr NevskijWaszink, Paul M. - München 1990, 166 S. |