Портал славістики


Bibliography of German-speaking Slavistics 1983-1992 (BibDatSlav)

The "Bibliography of German-speaking Slavistics 1983-1992" was converted from the printed publication to a database and contains about 10.000 bibliographic items. The list of subjects is located here.

Author(s)Birnbaum, Henrik

On the Genealogical and Typological Classification of Old Church Slavonic and its Textual Evidence

PublishedDie Welt der Slawen 32 (1987) 362-407
Subject headungsSprachtypologie
ClassificationSlawische Sprachen
SoundexG4654; T2154; C4583; C4740; S8564; T2482; E0268
Holdings (in Germany)see in ZDB-Katalog
PURLCitation link

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The System of Tenses in Old Church Slavonic / Brooks, Maria Z.
The Slavic Akathistos Hymn : Poetic Elements of the Byzantine Text and its Old Church Slavonic Translation / Filonov Gove, Antonina
Slavs, Common Slavic, and Old Church Slavonic / Lunt, Horace G.
Orality, Literacy, and Literature in Old Rus' / Birnbaum, Henrik
Observations on Textual Accentuation and Musical Stresses in Old Russian Stichera / Ullf-Møller, Nina
Die Sprachfrage bei den Slaven in neuer Beleuchtung : Randbemerkungen zu einer einschlägigen Neuerscheinung. [Rez. zu] Aspects of the Slavic Language Question. Edited by R. Picchio and H. Goldblatt. Vol. I: Church Slavonic-South Slavic-West Slavic; Vol. II: East Slavic / Birnbaum, Henrik
[Rez. zu] Deszö, L.: Typological Studies in Old Serbo-Croatian Syntax / Vasilev, Christo