Портал славістики
The "Bibliography of German-speaking Slavistics 1983-1992" was converted from the printed publication to a database and contains about 10.000 bibliographic items. The list of subjects is located here.
ID | 603 |
Author(s) | Shimomiya, Tadao |
Title | Europa, typologisch gesehen |
Published | Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Congress of Linguists : Berlin, August 10 - August 15, 1987 (1990) 2511-2516 |
Place | Berlin |
Subject headungs | Sprachtypologie |
Classification | Slawische Sprachen Allgemeines, mehrere Sprachen (einschl. Urslawisch) |
Soundex | E0710; T2154; G4860 |
Note | Dass. als Resümee: Abstracts XIV. Internationaler Linguistenkongreß. Berlin 1987. 473 |
Type | Aufsatz |
Holdings (in Germany) | in KVK prüfen |
PURL | Citation link |
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