Портал славістики
The data pool of bibliographic information on German-language Slavic studies, consists largely of retro-converted bibliographies and optimised bibliographic databases.
Abbreviation | Title | Number of records |
BibSlaArb | Bibliography of Slavic Publications from German Journals 1876-1983 (BibSlavArb), converted from the printed edition by Ulrich Bamborschke [1964-1973] [1974-1983] | 17.000 |
BibDatSlav | Bibliography of German Slavistics 1983-1992 (BibDatSlav), converted from the printed edition by Wolfgang Gladrow [1983-1992] | 10.000 |
MatSlavBib | Papers to the Slavic Bibliography 1945-1983 (MatSlavBib), converted from the printed edition by Irmgard Mahnken [1945-1983] | 10.220 |
BibSlawPub | Bibliography of Slavic Publications from the GDR 1946-1986 (BibSlawPub), converted from the printed edition by Heinz Pohrt and Karl Gutschmidt [1946-1986] | 19.600 |
BibSlavKon | Bibliography of International Congresses of Slavists (BibSlavKon), converted from 15 printed congress volumes in cooperation with "Slovanská knihovna" in Prague [1929-2013] | 8.559 |
Olbislav | Online Library of German Slavistics 1993-2006 (Olbislav), the optimised Database by Norbert Franz [born digital]. | 5.000 |
KempgenDB | Kempgen's linguistic bibliography, the optimised database by Prof. Sebastian Kempgen [born digital]. | 17.800 |
OLCSla | Online Contents Slavistik (continuously updated), the database evolved from the printed edition "New contents slavistics" (1980-2001) as a continuation of the "Inhaltsverzeichnisse slavistischer Zeitschriften" (1976-1979). [NCS] | 343.150 |
BibMatSlaw | Bibliographic Materials in Slavistics (BibMatSlaw) is a collection pool of diverse subject-related printed bibliographies and optimised databases [conversions, overview] | 15.650 |
Τranslation database (SLAW-DE) | The translation database (SLAW-DE) is a collective database and contains the bibliographical data on translations from a Slavic language into German. | 21.285 |
SorBib | Sorbian Bibliography (SorBib), converted in cooperation with the "Sorbian Institute" in Bautzen [1959-2008], [online] | 74.440 |
BibCzechLing | Bibliography of the Czech Linguistics (BibCzechLing) 1992-2018, converted "Bibliografie České Lingvistiky" in cooperation with the "Ústav pro jazyk český AV" [1957-2013], printed: [1945-2001], [online] | 73.280 |
RussGus | Bibliographic database of German publication on Russia, the Soviet Union and its successor states 1974-2003 (RussGus), the optimised database by Peter Bruhn | 171.000 |
RussGus-BernStZ | Bibliographic database of German publication on Russia, the Soviet Union and its successor states (RussGus), Segment: International Bibliography of Publications about the Amber Room, the optimised database by Peter Bruhn | 3.800 |
EBSEES | European Bibliography of Slavic and East European Studies (EBSEES), converted from the printed and electronic editions [1994-2000] [1991-2007] | 18.000 |
Baza osób polskich | Baza osób polskich - Polish personal database: Database of Polish personal names was compiled between 1983 and 2009 by Dr Rainer Berg († 2015). | 66.700 |